St. Vincent de Paul Society
Food Pantry
The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
There is no appointment necessary for food assistance. You must present your current ID. Those seeking food items may receive food one time per calendar month.
Financial Assistance
Please call (843) 727-1933, which is a voicemail-only line. Someone will return your call and gather additional information from you to determine whether assistance can be provided.
If we are able to assist you, a caseworker will make arrangements for a home visit and a current ID will also be needed. Financial assistance may be received one time per year.
Food & Monetary Donations
Donations of non-perishable food items may be placed in the Narthex of the church or brought to the Parish Office during operating hours.
Please consider a monetary donation via Online Giving. Log in or find the St. Vincent de Paul fund and select ‘give now’. If you prefer to write a check, please make it payable to St. Theresa’s and write SVdP in the memo line. Drop it in the offertory basket or bring it by the Parish Office.