Frequently asked questions
Q: I've been away for a while, can I come back to the Church?
A. Yes, absolutely. The Church welcomes you back! There are countless reasons people fall away from actively living and practicing their faith. If you are ready to come back, we are grateful. If you would like to talk to someone, call the Parish Office at 843-875-5002.
Q: How do I schedule a baptism or wedding?
A. Please see the Sacrament page for information or contact the Parish Office at 843-875-5002.
Q: I am sick or homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion. How do I make these arrangements?
A. More information including a request can be found here.
Q: Can you help me with food or utilities?
A. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society may be able to help.
Q: How do I donate food or money for the St. Vincent de Paul Society?
A. Food donations can be dropped off at the Parish Office during regular business hours or placed in the Narthex at any of the Masses. Monetary donations can be made through our online giving portal, by placing a labeled envelope in the offertory basket, or by mailing or dropping off your donation at the Parish Office during regular business hours.
Q: I am interested in finding our more about the Catholic Church and possibly becoming Catholic. Whom should I contact?
A. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults learn more about the Catholic faith and ask questions. Classes meet on Sunday mornings in the conference room of the Administration Bldg from 8-9am. Please visit our RCIA page or call the Parish Office at 843-875-5002.
Q: How can I have a Mass said for someone?
A. Please stop by the Parish Office during business hours to make arrangements.
Q: How can I add someone to the prayer list?
A. Please email the bulletin editor here.
Q: A loved one is deathly sick. What do I do?
A. Please call the Sacramental Emergency line at 843-564-3909
Q: A loved one has passed away. What do I do?
A. Please stop by the Parish Office to pick up a book of approved readings and to provide additional information.
Q: ¿Cómo puedo inscribir a mi hija para un Quinceañera?
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